

We and our logistics partners offer you the best shipping options. Whether it's a product we've picked up or a product, you can be assured of the fastest, safest way to receive your order anywhere in the world.

At The Leather Warehouse, we are aware of a simple shipping process to get you the products you want, when you want them. Our shipping process is simple. All shipments are shipped from India and tracking numbers are provided with each order.

We aim to ship orders in stock within 2-4 business days. Production on special orders may require additional business days depending on customisation. For large orders, production details can also be discussed based on individual requirements.

Domestic Shipping charges

Domestic Orders (India): Free standard shipping* on all orders above ₹ 1999.00/-
Domestic Orders (India): standard shipping below order value ₹ 1999.00/- - ₹ 100/-
Domestic Orders (India): Express shipping - ₹ 150/- irrespective of the order value

Domestic shipping time
Standard delivery to most parts of India : 3-5 working days (approx.)
Express delivery to most parts of India: 2-3 working days (approx.)

North East India
Standard delivery to Northeast states: 5-6 working days (approx.)
Express delivery to Northeast states : 3-5 working days (approx.)

International Shipping charges

USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Middle East
Free standard shipping* on orders above $100 for the above countries.
USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Middle East
Standard shipping on orders below $ 100 $10-$15 (approx.)
Shipping charges vary from country to country. Please refer to 
USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Middle East
Express shipping charges –$20 irrespective of the order value.

Rest of the world

Free standard shipping* on orders above USD 250.
standard shipping below order value USD 250 - $40
Express shipping - $50 irrespective of the order value

International shipping time

Standard shipping time varies from country to country.
For the US, Canada, and Australia: 10 -12 working days (approx.) -
For the UK and Europe: 8-10 working days (approx.)
For the Middle East – 6-9 working days (approx.)
Rest of the world – 12-15 working days (approx.)

Express shipping time varies from country to country

For US, Canada and Australia : 3-5 working days (approx.)
For the UK and Europe : 3-4 working days (approx.)
For the Middle East - 3-5 working days (approx.)
Rest of the world - 5-7 working days (approx.)

Note: Remote area pin codes/postcodes might take 2-3 working days extra for delivery.
Also, for international customers, if you choose express delivery and your address is located in a remote area (as per shipping companies’ information), there would be a small extra charge ($15-$20) which would be communicated via email once we receive your order.